VDS Prices - 2013

Prices - 2013

Learning to drive through VDS can be done at very competitive and favourable rates. The number of sessions required will depend on a number of factors, the uppermost being your (as the learner driver) present level of skill and competence. This will not be difficult to establish.

Where will you, the learner driver, be picked up from and dropped off? Usually both points will be your home, though other arrangements can be easily made.

The Costs
o   Lessons are $40 per hour
o   Purchase a block of 5 one-hour lessons in advance, get the 6th lesson free. That is, get 6 lessons for $200 (5 x 40 = 200 + 1 free lesson) – a saving of $40.

o   Purchase a block of 10 one-hour lessons in advance for $350 – this equates to $35 per lesson (a saving of $50).  This will also include a free 11th lesson just prior to sitting your Vic Roads practical test.

o   An Incentive: If you refer someone to VDS for driving instruction and who subsequently purchases at least three lessons in advance, you will qualify for two additional free lessons yourself.

Supervised Driving Program

o   Sessions are $30 per hour.
o   Initial assessment session (approximately 30 minutes) is $50.
o   Note that: The payments for the hourly supervised driving sessions and the initial assessment session (where applicable), is to be made immediately before the driving session. Payment needs to be in cash.
Licence Test Information

It is respectful for the learner driver to bear in mind that when a learner sits their practical test, not only are they under the microscope by Vic Roads and the discerning public, so too is the driving instructor and driving school. No matter what transpired prior to test day, all that the learner does at testing time becomes a reflection on the driving school and instructor. To this end, most driving schools fairly expect you, the learner, to have then had some time under the tutelage of their school. The pricing policies of most driving schools reflect in some way this attitude. Many schools primarily see themselves as an instructional body, not a ‘car rental service’ to be hired out at whim to sit your test in. Again, most schools’ pricing policies reflect this view: they, quite naturally, value the loyalty the learner gives them. VDS is, quite obviously, no exception.

Bearing the above in mind, VDS has in place the following pricing structures:

§  For those who have undertaken at least 5 hours of instruction/supervision with VDS within the two calendar months prior to licence test date and have gained the approval of VDS to sit the test under the VDS name, the cost is $100. This includes the mandatory VDS revision hour sometime prior to the licence test time on the VicRoads test day.

§  For those learners who have had at least 5 hours of instruction from VDS, but not wholly within the two calendar months preceding the VicRoads licence test date, the cost is $150. This will include the mandatory VDS revision hour sometime prior to the licence test time on the VicRoads test day.

§  For those learners who wish to use VDS for their driving licence test, but have never utilised VDS in the manner listed above, there will be a 30-60 minute session of practical review (an initial assessment) no later than a calendar week before your VicRoads licence test date. The cost of this review session is $100. Upon satisfactory completion of this review, you may use VDS for your test. The additional cost for this is $150. This includes the mandatory VDS revision hour sometime prior to the licence test time on the VicRoads test day.

Note:           VDS retains the right to withdraw its services, without reimbursement, if the behaviour and conduct of the learner or any supporter of the learner is such that: it brings VDS into disrepute; is threatening or intimidating; or is a behaviour that is unbecoming of a learner wanting to acquire their Probationary licence. VDS reserves the right to make a final determination on whether a learner, regardless of circumstances, is suitably skilled to undertake the VicRoads licence test under the VDS name. VDS also reserves the right to negotiate individual or group arrangements with respect to costs and availability.
